The Gap Between Us And The Machines

Over decades, AI has allowed a vast degree of precision to make actions smoother.. Even something like choosing one’s pizza toppings for a working lunch can be handled by a virtual assistance.Voice versus writingOver a period of time, because of evolution of business laws and tenet establishment, writing became important — hence the term such as ‘signed and sealed’ came into normal parlance. In light of this, today a majority of businesses across sectors are effectively utilising this technological intervention, so as to simplify and to make lives of employees and customers easy.The speed, accuracy and purpose resolution of the technology in this case therefore becomes critical for mass adoption. In our personal life, it is as simple as giving a command to your smartphone or have a business executive supporting customers in a call centre. Voice chatbots and assistances gain significanceVoice chatbots and assistants are essential enablers in the digital world bridging the gap between us and the machines.

Since the speed is of essence or the duration of interaction is important to help narrow down choices, empathy could become critical in such a case.Setting up a customised virtual assistantIt is important to understand the critical components for setting up a machine to interact as an assistant or guide. In terms of communication, research indicates that people talk more to a dog icon than any other. Interaction through chat has gained significant adoption in the recent past, as it allows users to have a digital self if they want to. Voice recognition and accents is one of the key factors that has allowed this.Mass adoptionThis technology is now available freely to a large population at a lower cost, and hence soothsayers predict that the usage would become rampant in the coming years. Simply put, a deer or a monkey in a forest is warned of an approaching predator by sound and not by writing, or a child by crying for attention the minute he or she needs something. Seeing someone talk into the phone to a virtual assistant is not an China Air compressor Factory uncommon sight; be it mundane tasks of search, reminders, alarms or even calling someone, it adds to the speed and efficiency, over typing.

Besides the reduction of effort and time, and need for multi-tasking is a big charm. Additionally, chat disengages the need for physical presence and allows one to communicate difficult messages too. Communication first started with sound and not words, especially not the written form. Voice chatbots and assistants are not limited to basic tasks alone.The human race today is constantly evolving, and technology has been an important disruptive factor in how we conduct business or socialise.Corporate trends today include having a chat assistant to traverse a variety of tasks right from accessing a company’s financial information, filling out boring forms, helping clients comply with GDPR requirements by automating payroll assistance via machines and more complex things. The data to train on therefore becomes a key criteria for success. Traversing through truckloads of data that, otherwise, is difficult to navigate, is much easier when a machine does it for you. Would we perhaps have the ability to evolve into super humans is something that we will have to watch out for.